campus kronach

Student Housing |  University

An independent ensemble of three volumes shapes a new square, which integrates the existing neighborhood into the Campus Centre. Social interactions between students take place in the ‘in between spaces’, including courtyards and gardens of the university facilities.
The three-storey hall in the teaching building is conceived as a three-dimensional space continuum that surrounds courtyards and gardens connecting all floors via ventilation rooms and terraces.
The temporary housing buildings were designed as open courtyards, these offer different sizes of rooms for short accommodation. Divided by a self-design furniture, the rooms offer an easy, compact, flexible and practical use
of the small space. Windows and Corridors integrate optional seating furniture to increase a sense of community without compromising the students privacy and maximizing the living space.
The consistent use of timber unites the individual parts of the ensemble into a single unit and references to the rural region of Bavaria. Timber is a renewable raw material, which is as ecological as it is sustainable, as well as providing a warm and inviting atmosphere.