immediate shelter

Refugee Housing  |  Social Housing | Urban Planning

In 2015 Germany took in over 1 million newcomers primarily from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Berlin, already experiencing a housing shortage needs to innovative models for temporary and permanent shelter, while also taking a long view on sustainable growth for future generations and societal groups. In this workshop we teamed up with recent newcomers living in shelters and stablished in Berlin to develop convincing concepts for housing that can be built fast, and become an integral part of the neighborhood in the long run. As a site for this experiment, the workshop studied two sites in Lichtenberg, a district in the Eastern part of Berlin, set within the context of tower-in-the-park development, built in the second half of the 20th century. The neighborhood consist primarily of prefab concrete buildings (“Plattenbau”), which were developed by the socialist East German government using WBS70, a standardized offsite construction system.


Oliver von Spreckelsen | Universität der Künste Berlin
Kaja Kühl | Columbia University of New York
Katharina Rohde | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Project by C.E.Beckmann | R.Boock | A.Kehn | D.Cohen

Location: Berlin, Germany