the green room

Pavillion 1:1 | Education | Urban Gardening
Intervention Award Berlin 2013

WIESENBURG festival which took place in a former homeless shelter gave us the opportunity to design and build our first semi-permanent structure and work first hand with people from the community. The pavilion was designed for a local school and offered a green learning and workshop space for children, where they could learn about urban gardening and have the freedom to organize and rearrange their own space. Flexible cubes designed to transform into playscapes, shelves, flowerpots and chairs were built out of PVC recycled expo signs. The bamboo roof structures were secured through knots made from recycled hose and were designed to collect water that was used to irrigate flowerpots. This project was one out of five nominated projects for Urban


Design Studio | I. Bachelor Semester
Prof. Donatella Fiorette | Technische Universität Berlin
Project by C.E.Beckmann | I.Fahrenholz | L.Brunner | B. Maurer | J.Schöneberger | M.Sylla | M.Kölmel | R.Hertweg

Location: Wiesenburg, Berlin, Germany